The high level of quality and precision of our products forces us to continuously modernize our production equipment.
Our Quality Management system has been certified by Lloyd’s Registrer Quality Assurance according to the ISO 9001 Quality Assurance standard.
Our Quality Department prepares a manufacturing dossier that is delivered to the client with each work built.
Quality politics
Talleres Llaneza aims to establish and maintain itself as a leading company in the construction of capital goods, manufacture and repair of metal products by machining, design and production of industrial machinery and lifting elements, and electrolytic coatings.
To achieve this objective, the full satisfaction of its clients is set as a strategic principle, understanding that this is only achievable through the permanent continuous improvement of our activities in all areas and that it is based on the effectiveness and efficiency of the assignment. and use of resources, which is essential for our economic and financial sustainability, as well as for respect for our environment.
The management of these objectives, principles and foundations, together with the firm commitment to satisfy all the requirements applicable to our activity, including legal and regulatory ones, is articulated according to minimum internal operating conditions:
Our methodology, including assurance and self-control, as well as the standardization of our processes, are fully respected. The derogations are made according to previously defined processes.
The methods, processes and rules are audited by our organization and by accredited bodies or entities with a view to recognizing their compliance with official management standards and, where appropriate, with applicable legislation.
Requirements and demands are maintained that allow fluid communication and information, both internally and externally, of this policy and of any initiative adopted by Talleres Llaneza to improve its performance.
The consultation and participation of all Talleres Llaneza personnel, their influence in their respective areas of responsibility, their education and training, as well as the maintenance of strict ethical and professional standards, are considered essential for successful management.
Our suppliers are expanded and required, through the sum and harmonization of efforts and initiatives, responsibility in achieving the objectives, principles and strategic foundations.
The objectives and goals, which are deployed at all levels of the company, are defined taking into account the specifications and requirements, including legal and other applicable ones, as well as opportunities for improvement, taking into account their priority and efficiency.
The management of Talleres Llaneza determines, in order to ensure and guarantee compliance with its commitments and operating conditions, that the requirements and demands of the UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard are the general rules for quality management, generating a system whose objective is excellence and customer satisfaction.
External Service of Three-Dimensional Metrology
We have a complete traditional and three-dimensional metrology laboratory with some of the most modern means of dimensional and geometric verification, which allows us to rigorously verify the specifications of our in-house production.
Three-dimensional dimensional and geometric control applications, leveling and alignment of machine elements, independent measurement of the type of material and temperature.
Precision ±15μm+5μm/m.