+34 985 260 656 tecnico@talleresllaneza.com

Talleres Llaneza

Leading company in the construction of capital goods, manufacture and repair of metal products by machining, design and production of industrial machinery and lifting elements, and electrolytic coatings.

Talleres Llaneza Since 1971

Talleres Llaneza, fundado en 1971, cuenta hoy en día con unas instalaciones de más de 15.000 metros cuadrados cubiertos en las que sus 60 empleados han desarrollado su propia tecnología en el campo del mecanizado de precisión y de la construcción mecánica.

Desde sus inicios como suministrador de elementos básicos para la industria asturiana, ha experimentado un continuo crecimiento y expansión hasta ser hoy en día una de las empresas líderes en la fabricación, mecanización y reparación de productos metálicos, avalados por un alto grado de fiabilidad y calidad. Así lo reconocen nuestros clientes, entre los que se encuentran algunos de los principales grupos industriales asturianos, españoles y europeos. Su confianza mantenida en el tiempo y nuestra cada vez mayor presencia dentro de los mercados más exigentes, supone para nosotros el mayor reconocimiento a nuestra labor.

Our Sectors

  • Capital Goods
  • Cements
  • Shipbuilding
  • Energy
  • Renewable energy
  • Casting
  • Engineering
  • Metallurgy
  • Armament
  • Mining
  • Petrochemical
  • Chemical
  • Refrectory
  • Siderurgy
  • Copper Transformation
  • RMetals and rubbers recycling
  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Food industry
  • Rail Transport
  • Industrial Maintenance
  • Machine Tool
  • Paper Industry
  • Metal Processed
  • Research Laboratories

Quality and Precision in our


This leadership position has been made possible through continued huge investments in the best machinery, our highly qualified and motivated personnel, and above all, a constant objective of improvement and a continuous improvement that has been awarded with the certification in some of the most demanding quality standards.

The high level of quality and accuracy of our products require the last production equipments in order to adapt to the requirements of our customers, providing a higher service, optimizing the quality, product cost and the delivery time


Más de 15.000 metros2 cubiertos al servicio de nuestros clientes.

Altura máxima bajo Gancho: 14 m
Dimensión máxima de Portón: 8m x 7m

The high level of quality and precision of our products forces us to continuously modernize our production equipment.


Our Quality Management system has been certified by Lloyd’s Registrer Quality Assurance according to the ISO 9001 Quality Assurance standard.

Our Quality Department prepares a manufacturing dossier that is delivered to the client with each work built.

The management of Talleres Llaneza determines, in order to ensure and guarantee compliance with its commitments and operating conditions, that the requirements and demands of the UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard are the general rules for quality management, generating a system whose objective is excellence and customer satisfaction.

Our main purpose is to offer our customers great service and quality in the products we manufacture.