+34 985 260 656 tecnico@talleresllaneza.com

Talleres Llaneza

Building a Better Future

Warehouse 1971
Surface area 1971
Indoor Warehouse 1991
Vertical Lathe 1991
Horizontal Lathe 1991
Horizontal Lathe 1991

Talleres Llaneza Since 1971

Talleres Llaneza, founded in 1971, today has facilities of more than 15,000 square meters in which its 60 employees have developed their own technology in the field of precision machining and mechanical construction.

Since its beginnings as supplier of basic equipment for the Asturian industry, TALLERES LLANEZA has underwenta continuous growth and expansion to be today one of the leading companies in manufacturing, machining and repair of metal products, endorsed by a greater grade of reliability and quality. It is recognized by our customers, which are some of the main industrial groups in Asturias, Spain and Europe. His confidence maintained over time and our increased presence in the most demanding markets, is for us the highest recognition for our work.

Ship 2020
Surface 2020
Inland Ship 2020
Inland Ship 2020
Horizontal Lathe 2020
Boring machine 2020

Our Manufacturing in the World